The Role of Regulatory Impact Analysis in Public Administration: Assessments with a Governance Approach

Author :  

Adnan Karataş

Year-Number: 2022-58
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-11-26 21:53:46.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Kamu Yönetimi
Number of pages: 1505-1519
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




One of the most important conditions for increasing the efficiency of public administration, realizing the principles of governance and most importantly creating a modern state that can compete on a global scale depends on the inclusive and high quality of the legislation. The way the legislation is created in the country is the most important factor affecting this quality. In addition to the formation of legislation and public policies by the legislature in the country, the inclusion of technical and expert opinions in making decisions in this process ensures that the decisions taken are better. Regulatory impact analysis is a policy decision support system that is very effective and helps to achieve good results in the process of creating public policies. Regulatory impact analysis, in its most general terms, is the analysis of the possible effects of the public policies that are aimed to be formed in relation to a certain subject, by determining in advance. Within the scope of this analysis, it is suggested that the most beneficial and least costly policy should be applied by determining the costs and benefits of various policies, which are generally created in relation to a subject, separately. Therefore, before the implementation of a certain public policy, it should be analyzed in terms of its possible future effects. It collects comprehensive and systematic information about the proposed policies and acts as an advisor to the decision makers.

The practice of regulatory impact analysis can be traced back to the 1990s in OECD countries. However, it is seen that this analysis has not yet received sufficient value and has not found an application area in Turkey. On the other hand, regulatory impact analyzes improve policy-making processes, enabling both the spread of governance and the development of democratic values. Turkey has highlighted the implementation of regulatory impact analysis with a series of legislative harmonization programs within the scope of the EU harmonization process. However, it has been very limited in practice. Within the scope of this study, it is emphasized what regulatory impact analysis is, how its processes and methods work, and why it is necessary to apply this method. Therefore, regulatory impact analysis What?, How?, Why? evaluated on the basis of questions. It is also evaluated how this analysis has effects on public administration and what kind of relations it has with the governance approach. As a matter of fact, it is seen that the regulatory impact analysis is very useful in the process of creating public policies and contributes to the effective-efficient use of the country's resources. Moreover, in the background of this analysis, the emphasis on the phenomenon of governance in relation to state administration has emerged. It is recommended that this analysis be made in all kinds of policies that need to be put forward in the implementation of governance and the implementation of good governance principles.


Regulatory Impact Analysis Governance Public Administration Public Policy

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