In this study, the tragedy titled “Almansor” written by Heinrich Heine, one of the famous writers of 19th century German literature and mainly known as a poet, during his youth, was discussed by the figure analysis method. A first study was carried out by examining this tragic work, which has not been taken into sufficient consideration until today, in terms of figures. This study has made a great contribution to the field because it is related to the doctoral thesis titled “Analysis of Heinrich Heine’s tragedy called ‘Almansor’ from an intercultural perspective” and in addition to the thesis, important details about the figures have been revealed. Almansor, who also forms the title of the work, is the hero of the work. This study is primarily based on the analysis of figures in the tragic work, which deals with the good and bad states and behaviours of the society, by bringing to the fore the theme of a love that has historical background and ends with a tragic end. Necessary information about historical background of the work is given, and according to the research conducted on the analysis of the figures in the relevant thesis, it is aimed to reveal their close and distant connections with each other by focusing on all figures in an objective manner. The figures in the work are discussed in order of importance. First the main figures, then the auxiliary figures, then the mentioned figures, especially historical figures, are explained in terms of their external and internal worlds in line with the data obtained from the work. The main aim of the study is to prove that it is possible for people from different religions and cultures to live together, with understanding and tolerance, without entering into conflict, through the analysis of the figures of Heine’s work. As a result of the study, the information obtained and interpreted through text analysis was evaluated. Thanks to figure analysis, details of Heine’s work were obtained and the gap in this area was filled.