Amac: Bu arastirmanin amaci, Amerika`da depresyon, klamidya ve uyuz gibi hassas, es, aile ve arkadaslarla paylasmaktan kacinilabilen saglik sorunlari hakkindaki trendleri arastirmaktir. Saglik hakkindaki endiselerin, gunun hangi zaman dilimlerinde arastirildigi, haftanin hangi gunlerinde daha cok arastirma yapildigi, hangi aylarda arastirmalarin yogunlastigi, hangi bolgelerde yogunlastigi ve ne tur arastirmalar yapildigi incelenmistir.
Yontem: Arastirma verileri halka acik Google arastirma veri tabanindan edinilmistir. Google Trends ve Pytrends API araci kullanilarak elde edilen verilerin sonuclari gorsel grafikler olarak duzenlenmistir.
Bulgular: Elde edilen gorsel grafikler incelendiginde, hassas hastaliklarin arastirma egilimlerinin gunun belirli saatlerinde, haftanin belirli gunlerinde, yilin belirli aylarinda ve cesitli bolgelerde daha agirlikli toplandigi gozlemlenmektedir.
Tartışma: Arastirma, Amerika`daki tuketici arastirma davranislarini inceledigi icin orijinaldir. Yapilan arastirma ile elde edilen sonuclar incelendiginde arastirma uygulayicilar icin yol gosterici niteliktedir. Bu calisma, cesitli hastaliklarin duzenli takip edilmesi sayesinde erken teshislere vesile olabilir. Boylece, bu hastaliklar icin daha iyi tedavi yontemleri bulunmasi ve bu hastaliklar icin onleme metodlari gelistirilmesinde yol gosterici niteliktedir.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to deepen the knowledge for America's leading health concerns such as depression, chlamydia and scabies and get insights for when the searches are being made, from where they are being made, and what type of searches are made.
Design/methodology/approach: The primary source for the datasets collected on keywords for depression, chlamydia, and scabies was retrieved using Google Trends and the Pytrends API. All the data collected were publicly available and obtained legally. The primary search for three diseases was conducted on Google Trends for the United States of America.
Findings: It was observed that in a comparative study of the timing of searches of all the three diseases are late nights or early in the morning. Wednesdays have the highest peak in case of searches of the week has the probability of searches more as compared to weekends. Also based on type of searches, it was observed that from January to May there are more searches being conducted.
Discussion: Although data from search results requires advanced technical skills to be retrieved and analyzed, Google Trends data can be used to better understand user behavior. Early tracking of various medical conditions could drive better treatment and prevention methods.